
We have a network of 15 regional supervisors and access to over 1,000 interviewers.

We conduct quantitative interviews in all formats from self-completion to web based. We have QPS, SPSS, Sawtooth CBC and AC software. We have laptops and netbooks for CAPI.

Not only are we fast and flexible, we are obsessed with quality e.g. we do our back-checks by phone normally during the fieldwork period so that any ‘rogue’ interviewers can be identified and the respondents replaced. We have specially designed algorithms to check punched data for anomalies.

We test any and all elements of the marketing mix from concept to final mix. We have considerable experience in product testing and development as well as in pricing and market modelling.

Our mission is to analyse the data, identify the key issues and ‘tell the story’ as clearly and succinctly as possible; quantity of output is no substitute for quality of insight.